Over a two week period beginning today, we’ll be progressively rolling out a series of updates, bug fixes and new features to both Live eftpos and Live eftpos black devices.

The updates are part of our commitment to making sure we meet your expectations and incorporate valuable customer feedback to improve the performance of our devices.

The highlight of the next update is a redesign of device receipts.

Our receipts are now roughly 30% shorter, which not only prevents paper waste but also prevents wear and tear on the device. By using less paper you should also notice an increase to your device’s battery life. Your customers will also be pleased with improved transaction speeds, with receipt printing now at the end of the transaction.

On top of this, the new receipt layout allows for custom footer text up to 42 characters in length to be inserted at the end of your receipt. If you have a specific message or text formatting that you’d like to include, simply let our support team know and we will insert the text on your behalf.

This update will take affect when your terminal settles on a certain day over the next two weeks. The entire process will take roughly two minutes.

If you have issues or concerns with the new update, please reach out to us by emailing support@liveeftpos.com.au

Over a two week period beginning today, we’ll be progressively rolling out a series of updates, bug fixes and new features to both Live eftpos and Live eftpos black devices.

The updates are part of our commitment to making sure we meet your expectations and incorporate valuable customer feedback to improve the performance of our devices.

The highlight of the next update is a redesign of device receipts.

Our receipts are now roughly 30% shorter, which not only prevents paper waste but also prevents wear and tear on the device. By using less paper you should also notice an increase to your device’s battery life. Your customers will also be pleased with improved transaction speeds, with receipt printing now at the end of the transaction.

On top of this, the new receipt layout allows for custom footer text up to 42 characters in length to be inserted at the end of your receipt. If you have a specific message or text formatting that you’d like to include, simply let our support team know and we will insert the text on your behalf.

This update will take affect when your terminal settles on a certain day over the next two weeks. The entire process will take roughly two minutes.

If you have issues or concerns with the new update, please reach out to us by emailing support@liveeftpos.com.au.